Get your ‘Not Your Average’ Green Smoothies!

Welcome to!
Are you a busy health conscious person in need of simple and easy meals that you can eat on the go and you crave nutritional meals that…
- Are easy to prepare and eat ANYWHERE
- Nutrition packed
- Organic, non-GMO, gluten and allergen free
- Tantalize your taste buds
- Satisfy your sophisticated palate
Are you ready to talk about your nutritional lifestyle journey? Let’s get started!

Rawjo’s Programs
Rawjo’s Personalized 3-Day Menu Plan
- 1:1
- Personalized to meet your nutritional and lifestyle goals and needs
- Raw Food Basics, Shopping Lists, Tips, Techniques and Resources
- Downloadable Personalized 3-Day Menu Plan
- 1-hour phone call with Rawjo for Q&A
- Video Recipe Demonstrations (for online program to be ready in the near future)
- Continued support through Rawjo’s Facebook Page
Rawjo’s Personalized 7-Day Menu Plan
- 1:1
- Personalized to meet your nutritional and lifestyle goals and needs
- Raw Food Basics, Shopping Lists, Tips, Techniques and Resources
- Downloadable Personalized 7-Day Menu Plan
- Two 1-hour phone calls with Rawjo for Q&A
- Video Recipe Demonstrations (for online program to be ready in the near future)
- Continued support through Rawjo’s Facebook Page
Nutritional Lifestyle Transition Plan
- Customized Raw Food Coaching Plan
- Dive deeper into a raw food plan for your nutritional journey
- Half or Full Day together with solutions for nutritional and lifestyle goals
- Raw Food Basics
- Raw Food Equipment Techniques
- Raw Food Tips
- Raw Food Resource Guide
- Personalized raw food menu plan
- Hands-on raw food preparation
- Via Skype for online program
“I took a leap of faith and signed up for Joanne’s ‘Not Your Average’ Green Smoothies having never tried anything like this before. I was a little apprehensive and overwhelmed to try to make my own before I met Joanne. I didn’t know where to begin. With Joanne’s help and simple, yet effective preparation, I was ready to go! She very simply outlined the steps involved, made a simple shopping list of everyday ingredients, and made the whole thing easy. I went from feeling intimidated to try it, to completely comfortable. Not only was it easy, but all of the recipes taste AMAZING! My teenage daughters even like them! She truly has a gift for taking a “mainstreamer” like myself and transforming me into a raw food “junkie”. Thank you Joanne!”
Rawjo has it all! Attention to detail, an artistry with food, off the chart good eats, experience and knowledge about the benefits of eating clean to support your health. I was a bit of a skeptic about what “raw food” would look and taste like…not anymore! Joanne came to an event I attended and was asked to bring the appetizers and dessert. I took one look and declared, Wow! This is Raw food? The appetizers where beautifully presented and delicious . And they were good for you! But it was the dessert… cheesecake. Creamy goodness topped with fresh berries and not an ounce of dairy…and gluten free. I was hooked on raw food and learning from Rawjo a more healthy way of nourishing my body. Thank you Joanne for inspiring us all to eat fun, delicious and beautiful foods.
I’ve had the pleasure of having Joanne in several raw food classes, and seriously, she is a real treasure! She clearly has a passion for enjoying and sharing raw food, and I can tell you from experience that her food is DIVINE! If you have a chance to attend one of her classes (or be a part of ANYTHING she does), RUN don’t walk to it! You will be so glad you did!
I had the delightful experience of participating in Joanne’s “Holiday Appetizer & Dessert Workshop”. I have been trying to add more raw foods into my diet and this workshop helped me to learn that there is a whole world of great tasting raw food out there beyond sliced veggies. From simple pate’s to smoothies and dessert, Joanne has crafted tasty recipes using easily found ingredients. Rawjo is a very patient instructor and her kitchen is inspirational. I urge you to participate in one of her workshops.
I can’t speak highly enough of Joanne and her talent and love of food! The Raw Foods class that I had attended at her home was not only informative but lots of fun! She had me working side by side with her in the kitchen, which in my opinion is the best way to learn. The meals we put together were so delicious we just couldn’t stop eating! I can’t wait to get together with Joanne again to learn, and most importantly, taste some new recipes.
About Rawjo
For years, I was a Software Engineer where I had to put the software through tests to ensure that the customer would have a great user experience and now instead of doing that with software; I do it with Raw Food.
A few years back I was feeling sluggish, fatigued, and foggy. I had food and skin allergies and I was overweight. I felt like I was 20 years older than I really was. I really had to drag myself around.